Spirant Communication Pvt Ltd Apps

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of both menand women.This calculator can assess the likelihood that you willexperience coronary heart disease (CHD) in the next 10 years.* CHDoccurs when the coronary arteries become narrowed or clogged andcannot supply enough blood to the heart.Because risk scores such as the Heart Attack Risk Score give anindication of the likely benefits of prevention, they are useful inhelping decide whether lifestyle modification and preventivemedical treatment, and for patient education, by identifying menand women at increased risk for future cardiovascular events.* This is a general estimate based on Framingham Risk Score. Allmedical decisions need to be taken by a patient in consultationwith their doctor.The authors and the sponsors accept noresponsibility for clinical use or misuse of these score.
Cardio Drug Interaction 10
This is a ready reckoner oncardiovascularmedications for cardiologists, primary carephysicians, physiciansin training, physician assistants and anyhealth care professionalmanaging drug therapy regimens in patientswith cardiovasculardisease.The information contained herein should NOT be used as asubstitutefor the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensedphysicianor other health care provider. The information providedhere is forinformational purposes only. This tool may not cover allpossibledrug interactions. Although we attempt to provide accurateandup-to-date information, no guarantee is made to thateffect.
Diabetes Drug Interactions 1.3
The application with the extensivedatabasewill provide a brief insight of the anti diabetic drugswith itscorresponding drug interactions. The main highlights oftheapplication would be the effects of the anti diabeticdrugaction.The application will also give you the access to search all thedruginteractions for the anti diabetic drugs in its generic formmakingit simple and thus, easy to use.This application will not only help the general mass populationbutwill surely help a medical practitioner, physician or a doctortohave a glance on the prescribed medications and on the drugoftheir choice. The application is quick and easy to usecoveringalmost all the family of anti diabetic drugs.
CarDiapp 1.6
Cardiapp is a useful tool for the managementofdiabetes and hypertension patients.The app contains useful information on the Precautions, DosandDonts and other aspects of management of these diseases.A special doctor section shall also help to keep thedoctorsupdated on the latest happenings in the field of diabetologyandcardiology
Nucoxia - Orthopedic App 1.3
This app is one source of knowledge updationand finding out the latest useful publications. The doctor is alsoprovided with the latest conference calendar, ortho scales andother useful tools
B 29 - Neuropathic Pain 1.2
A unique doctor and patient app which bringsboth to a common platform for better management of pain. Throughthis app doctors shall be continuously updated about thedevelopments in the field of neuropathic pain. Patients shallalsobe able to make a self assessment and update their status dorectlyto the doctors.
Arinna's Drug-Drug 2.0
This is a ready reckoner on CNS Drugs forneurologists, psychiatrists and primary care physicians formanaging drug therapy regimens in patients with CNS diseases.The information contained herein should NOT be used as asubstitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified andlicensed physician or other health care provider. The informationprovided here is for informational purposes only. This tool may notcover all possible drug interactions. Although we attempt toprovide accurate and up-to-date information, no guarantee is madeto that effect.
Orthopedic Empowerment 1.2
We are happy to announce IOACON 2013 as greenconference and we are in the discussion with all our stake holdersto support this endeavor. We also request you to help us in gettingthis objective. We are ensuring regular updates on our websitewww.ioaconagra.org. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, andGoogle group. As a special initiative we have launched an app forall smart phone users which can be downloaded.
Dianexus 1.3
DiaNexus connects doctors to their diabetespatients. It can be downloaded by doctors and patients to exchangeinformation and messages.Doctors cano Set up their profileo Search their patients databaseo Access latest health records of their patientso Send messages/group messages to patientsPatients cano Upload their latest health recordso Use health calculators (BMI calculator, CV risk, HbA1C torandom blood glucose and Diabetes risk assessment)o Access information about doctor’s OPD timings, servicesoffered and contact informationo Search contact information, timings and services of nearestlabs and pharmacieso Set pill reminder and visit remindero Access do’s and don’ts, tips on diet, exercise and yoga
Nephrology Clinical Tool 1.0
The creatinine clearance test comparesthelevel of creatinine in urine with the creatinine level intheblood. (Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine, which isanimportant part of muscle.) The test helps provide informationonkidney function.
Physician Focus 1.2
This app can be downloaded bypracticingphysicians to get the latest updates in medicalsciences.Physicians using this app have access to different resources:Molecule Updates brings you the recent research articles.News and Views will give you access to the latestmedicalnews.Recent Guidelines has links to the latest medicalguidelines.Conference Calendar can be used to get dates and venues oftheupcoming national and international conferencesQuery Manager can be utilized to send queries related tothisapp.
Gynaecology Focus 1.2
This app can be downloaded bypracticinggynecologists to get the latest updates in the fieldofgynecology.Gynecologists using this app have access to different resources:Molecule Updates brings you the recent gynecologyrelatedresearch articles.News and Views will give you access to the latest news inthefield of gynecology.Recent Guidelines has links to the latest guidelines relatedtogynecology.Conference Calendar can be used to get dates and venues oftheupcoming national and international conferencesQuery Manager can be utilized to send queries related tothisapp.
Cardiology Drug Interactions 1.0
Drug Interactions is a reliable resourceformobile access to healthcare professional with quick and easyaccessto clinically relevant, evaluated and evidence-basedinformation.App comprises all drug essentially needed in treatmentof cardiacdisorders interacting with more than two hundred of drugsincludingboth cardiac as well as non-cardiac drugs with possiblesideeffects. In addition, this interaction helps to avoidthecombination to minimize the possible side effects.
Medicolegal Conclave 1.1
Research Foundation of Hospital&Healthcare Administration (RFHHA) in collaboration withDepartment of Hospital Administration All India Institute ofMedicalSciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India AnnouncesConclave on “Legal and Ethical Challenges inHealthcareEcosystem”18th to 20th May, 2017 at Manekshaw Convention Centre,New Delhi,IndiaResearch Foundation of Hospital and HealthcareAdministration(RFHHA) in collaboration with Department ofHospitalAdministration, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,New Delhiis organizing a three-day Conclave on “Legal and EthicalChallengesin Healthcare Ecosystem” from 18th to 20th May, 2017 atManekshawConvention Centre, New Delhi. The conclave will open upnew vistasfor formulating SOPs for respective organizations. Itwill alsoaddress contentious ethical and legal issues related tohealthcareand facilitate the stakeholders for framing appropriatepoliciesand guidelines. We are sanguine this conclave will be animportantmelting pot for exchange of ideas and sharing ofpracticalexperiences.